bayesianVARs 0.1.5
- Bug fix which makes estimation possible of a VAR with factor stochastic volatility structure on the errors with the restriction that the loadings matrix has zeros above the diagonal. Thanks to Stefan Haan for reporting the bug.
bayesianVARs 0.1.4
CRAN release: 2024-09-06
- For consistency with other functions, from now on prior_intercept in bvar() specifies standard deviations instead of variances.
- Bug fix concerning ‘additional check’ valgrind. Seems to pass the check now. Thanks to Brian Ripley for reporting the bug.
bayesianVARs 0.1.3
CRAN release: 2024-06-25
- bugfix concerning VAR with factor structure on errors with homoscedastic factors.
bayesianVARs 0.1.2
CRAN release: 2024-01-20
- Added minimum version to factorstochvol in the Imports field of the DESCRIPTION file in order to avoid unnecessary building errors. Thanks to Sergey Fedorov for pointing this out.
- vcov.bayesianVARs_bvar method now can be specified for specific time-points.
- bugfix in cpp function which constructs variance-covariance matrices. If a Cholesky structure for the errors had been specified, exported functions such as vcov, predict and fitted were affected.